Sunday 24 May 2015

Waiting for Harley.

Two of the Primary three pupils who've been involved helping write The Secret of Cloven Hill have been busy with their drawing pencils. Eva's colours have transferred well but I'm having a problem putting Harley's on the screen. Maybe a  quick turn round the block will help to avoid a contribution to the swear box we talk about when discussing the book's plot.

Ah! Found him. Forres folk may recognise the setting.Thanks, Harley-- --
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Friday 15 May 2015

Get the picture!

My writing partners have been hard at work. Pictures instead of a thousand words comes to mind but their descriptive words are pretty effective too.

  Burn's sister is called Rosie. She doesn't believe in monsters.

She's got green eyes, a big nose and gappy teeth.

She loves to do hand stands.
She can .                                                                                       do very good back-kicks.

 She doesn't like peanut butter because it tastes like a wooden spoon she  accidentally ate.

She doesn't like creepy-crawlies and you might think she's kind to her brother, but think again.

She dislikes putting money in the swear box.

She does the most unnecessary kicks.
                She loves to run and skip and do cart wheels. She is very kind to her dog but not her brother.

Thursday 7 May 2015

An election!

If you've been following Primary 3's adventures helping with The Secret Of Cloven Hill, you'll be breathless with anticipation wondering whether the hero's name Burns should be changed to Burnsie. There couldn't have been a better day to find out.
'Right,' says  teacher, Miss Reid taking up a white board and big black pen. 'This is how things are done democratically, like today's election.'
So we get a clever wee spiel about such matters, then, the pupils place their vote and it's marked on the board.
'So, it's Burns and not Burnsie,' she concludes. A show of hands gives Macrae the surname vote and I'm a bit surprised but glad it's so easy to fix that with a word- processor.
Next week, I'm hoping to show some of their work on this blog if we get the necessary permission. What fun!

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Friday 1 May 2015

A little help from my friends.

We've got a  first name for The Secret of Cloven  Hill's hero. As the book's set in Forres ( maybe not quite the same but remember Macbeth?) I'd to explain that  amongst a lot of suggestions the two Hanks put forward, might not convey a Scottish touch. The worthy class-teachers and I spoke about Charles Dickens and his genius for names. The kids liked Nicholas Nickleby- but that  didn't fit the bill either.
So, we've come up with Burns. There were loads of other names and drawings of what he could look like. The six toes appealed and I see someone's now drawn a picture of him labelled Burnsie- we'll have to put it to the vote next week to see if that'd suit him better.
Tanya, our Forres Gazette editor came to take a photograph. Posted on a wobbly chair, she achieved balance whilst capturing a, hopefully, creative moment of the kids then shouting,'don't try this at home,' hopped down then headed back to her office with the day's hot news. Wonder if there'll be a sell out.
Next week, it's a surname and what  Burnsie saw out of the window. Stay tuned if you pardon the cliche.
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