Monday 8 January 2018

Me and my Mobile.

Much beloved family members gave me a new fancy mobile phone. I think they call it a Smart phone. Too right! This new gadget can, apparently do everything but pare corns, but I already know how to do that. Learnt it as demonstrated by my father, his foot in one hand,  razor blade in the other. The manny was swack!
 This learning curve's different as my new wizardy gadget confirms.
 The mobile I had before, was apparently, a simple affair. I was able eventually to make a telephone call on it, and even on a day when there was a sudden unexpected rush of blood to the brain, managed to send a text or two.
That seems a stretch too far for this machine. Sometimes I do make the contact but most times, only  my worried  face appears on it. Now I'm wondering, if I've gone global, and scaring little children with a  frightening mug shot.
Anyone out there with loose change for a call box?
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