Monday 2 January 2017

Dancing in Stuttgart

Husband David is a member of the Elgin Strathspey and Reel Society. Often a group of musicians come to our house to practise for an event where some of the members have volunteered to play. It's always lovely to have our house filled with the sound of their music, particularly with the toe tapping rhythms which accompany the reels.
I love dancing, so,imagine my surprise and delight when asked to accompany the group on a visit to Stuttgart.
'You and Charlie can demonstrate some of the dances,' explained Ena, the group conductor and leader. She handed me a list.  'Look! They're easy- you'll manage fine.'
One of the dances is the Circassian Circle and there's several versions on You -tube showing how to do it.
Now, Charlie's a gifted musician. He composes, plays the fiddle, guitar and sings as well, but between  us, I bet that age wise, we could easily tot up more than just a century.
 Let's hope Charlie goes for the douce and stately version rather than the Cossack one. I fear its high kicks might be beyond our reach.
Still, and if we go for the dramatics, and don't land in an orthopaedic ward, I'll let you know.

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