Tuesday 18 February 2014

Mandy's Bonny Coos.

-- --Today I spoke to Mandy Anderson who has recently picked up a paintbrush and started to produce  wonderful artwork in acrylic. She introduced me to some of her work courtesy of her mobile which these days do everything but curl your hair, which is why I don't have one or any.
Mandy's been doing Highland cows and they gaze up at me from the tiny screen as if they were actually there. She's a very clever girl. She's sold lots of paintings, has a few commissions and I don't doubt that Mandy's cattle will enjoy a long and happy life on some lucky person's wall.
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P.S! Recently I visited Brodie CountryFare- a definite 'must' if you're looking for that special 'something' and keen on shopping in lovely surroundings fortified by some of the fine food fare in the recently refurbished restaurant. What should I see, hanging on the wall, but some of Mandy's coos. Meet Beth. Mandy's obviously met her eye to eye which is more than can be said about this writer.

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